A 3-day virtual challenge hosted by Find Food Freedom®
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If your relationship with food and your body could be described as anything less than pleasant, our End Food + Body Obsession Challenge is for you! During this virtual challenge, we’ll encourage you to dig into your history with food and your body so you can identify where you are, discover what’s not serving you, and start to heal those relationships.
What does a less-than-pleasant relationship with food and body look like?
If any of this is ringing true, I invite you to jump into the End Food + Body Obsession Challenge!
By the end of this challenge, you’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how diet culture has disrupted your relationship with food and your body. Along with that awareness and understanding, you’ll be equipped with shiny new skills to help you move forward into a more peaceful and pleasant future - a future free of food and body obsession!
We’ll be challenging you to:
We’ll be challenging you to:
We’ll be challenging you to:
Meet Your Host!
Sam Previte
Founder of Find Food Freedom,
Registered Dietitian, &
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
I’m Sam Previte, Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and founder of Find Food Freedom®. After years stuck in the binge-restrict cycle, my relationship with food and my body could only be described as downright toxic. It was not until I made peace with food and reconnected with my body that I was able to feel comfortable in my own skin and end my obsessive thoughts around food. That’s the freedom that I want for you!
The Find Food Freedom® Team and I decided to host this challenge because we know that getting started is the hardest part of any intuitive eating journey - it takes extreme courage to take that leap, and it goes against everything you’ve ever been taught. Please know that if you are scared to start this journey to food freedom, this is a normal human emotion. We always tell our clients that if you are scared shitless, then you are 100% in the right place!
We hope that you’ll join us in this challenge to get the knowledge, tools, and perspective that you need to truly begin to make peace with food and your body.
A Look Inside The 3 Day Challenge...
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